Tuesday, April 21, 2015

monday the 20th of april and the night to 21st :D


i sorted my tables !
yea for me *lol*
from this


to  this - sounds like its done in like - 10 minutes right ?
wrong, took me all afternoon
there is many distractions to be found on such tables *lol* :D :D


then i knit a few squares, and got bored with it
and opend 1 of those boxes under my table, and started combing again
can you remember the last foto i showed ?

well here it is again - to compair what i did in the night even can see how the level sinks slooooowly in the fiber box *sigh*


and here is what happen
adding locks to the comb, and then use the 2nd comb, and well - comb :D
1 time to the 1 comb, and then back again, is enough with this fleece … and then on the last foto you can see how i already pulled a bit out
and you pull … and pull and pull … till you got a long hairy combed thing of fiber :D this i roll up and drop in the box
this 1 box is btw, just 1 box, i got 2 *sighting even more*

017 - Kopie002003

1 comment:

  1. Liebe Martina,

    wie ich sehe geht es weiter ;o)))

    ich wünsch dir einen schönen Tag, bekommst dann später noch eine Antwort von mir ;o))

    GLG Mela
