Saturday, November 19, 2011

3rd head nearly done


last night and today i kept working on the head, it got now upper and lower lids, wrinkles beside the eyes, teeth, ears and brow bows.

Cheeks and nose are slightly red tainted, some shadow around the eyes.

So far it’s done, it goes to the side now till the body is done, and then i will work on hair and beard (at least that’s the plan).


Friday, November 18, 2011

3rd head coming along nicely


Started to do the Santa Clause workshop from Kay Petal…. here are the first pictures.

soooooo can you see the head in here ? I confess, I can’t see it :D


But i was going on working on it, and now it looks like – here it comes :



his left eye is a bit wonky …. but he got to live with it.
But it is still not finished yet.

2nd head got eyes


and i forgot to show you the eyes!
meanwhile my wool arrived and i will put this head aside, don’t really like it anyway.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I love to get parcels :)


Today i got a huge parcel with my felting wool !
The first picture shows the huge 1 kilo rolls
and the 1 kilo coloured wool (sadly the colour isn’t showing right)


here you can see the lovely colours *drools*


and here are the 2 flesh tone … comparing with my skin colour…. i think they aren’t to bad


and now i need some boxes to store all this away.
I think i will have enough wool for some time now.
Sadly the locks aren’t as nice looking as the rest of the wool.
And AGAIN the white isn’t clear clean white but a bit yellowish.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Try with two new heads


last night and today i was felting around again, and made 2 heads.
The first i thought, Snow-white would be a cool idea … nearly white wool for the skin and blood red lips and black hair.

Well – see for yourself … nothing like a pretty girl face Smiley mit geöffnetem Mund


So i threw it in the corner and started a new head.

Somehow i made it a lot bigger, and it got a nose like Liam Neeson, you need to believe me, because you cant see it so good on the pictures.


I don’t like the lips so much so far, and the brow bow isn’t like i would like it either, but i will finish this one to see what it will be like.


spooky isn’t it ? Smiley mit geöffnetem Mund
