Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Preparing the body pieces and starting to sew


On Sunday i was starting to prepare the pieces, such a boring task, it makes my eyes burn.
I need to use the running stitch in a different colour all along the sewing line, then i have to find the – in this case – red stitches on the fury side, part the fur, and cut the seam allowance off.


And because the hair are not silky and smooth to the end, it really is a battle to part them where i want them to be parted. It for sure is no fun to do.

Yesterday I finished the preparing and started to sew a few parts.

I sewed the paw-pads to the arms


The darts on the body pieces – this time i tried to make the darts like Joanne Livingston tells on her blog here – wonder how it will work out on the finished bear :)



And i started with 1 leg. I need to sew a bit further up at the front side, I guess i will go right above the dot.


The back stays open so much, i need to try out something, so i can wire the foot, put pellets inside to make the whole animal able to stand, AND be able to felt on the sole without killing 100 needles in the process.

The idea i had kept me from sleeping for ages, so i got up Sunday night again and was sitting around till 4 am …. i really hate when this happens.


  1. I am so happy to see your work in progress. Preparing the pieces makes my eyes burn too. Sometimes as night they get so bad I can't even work anymore.

  2. thank you joanne :)
    its the booooredom which burns my eyes out *laugh*
    i dont work so much on the teddys to make my eyes burn because i am tired.
    well it does happen, but not soo often :D
